Mentors of Digital Innovation


JC2 Ventures is a venture firm that helps global startups scale, grow, and create inclusive jobs for the digital future.

Cybersecurity and Military Defense in an Increasingly Digital World

RSA Conference 2023 / April 2023


Cybersecurity and Military Defense in an Increasingly Digital World


John Chambers, founder and CEO of JC2 Ventures, was a keynote speaker in a fireside chat at RSA Conference 2023: “Cybersecurity and Military Defense in an Increasingly Digital World.”

Cyberwar has forever changed overall warfare planning. New, innovative technology is impacting the battlefield, and pressure is on to get it into programs of record and warfighter’s hands more quickly, with assured security. Across the ecosystem, companies of all sizes—from startups to large enterprises—play an important role in working together in this new chapter of cyberwarfare, lest the adversaries succeed.


Video courtesy of RSA Conference